The Orthodontic Office of Dr. Majznerski has a new name - Align Orthodontics!  

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Trouble Sleeping? Restless? Need More Energy? Snoring May Be The Problem!

Improve your sleep, your mental and cardiovascular health and your relationships! Visit Dr. M today to see if an oral sleep appliance is right for you.

Learn More About Sleep Medicine

Dr. Majznerksi: Both the Doctor and the Patient...

Over 20 years ago I was diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea - my physician recommended I use a C-PAP.

I was carefully fitted for the C-PAP and wore it nightly for a couple of weeks. Even though it seemed effective, it was challenging to fall asleep and cumbersome to hook up.

I also used an oral sleep appliance that was specifically designed to fit my teeth and accommodate the range of motion of my jaw and jaw joints. I tell my patients this is critically important to understand because oral sleep appliances, if not designed properly, can irreversibly damage your teeth, alter your bite and compromise jaw joint function.

When oral sleep appliances are designed to meet the specific needs and dental conditions of  patients snoring is eliminated…comfortably…conveniently… predictably.

   - Dr. Majznerski

The Real Risks of 
Chronic Snoring 

Chronic snoring could cause more than a bad night's sleep!

Chronic snoring is not trivial.  When it comes to chronic snoring or sleep apnea, the numbers speak for themselves:

  • 250% higher risk of a fatal heart attack
  • 67% greater chance of developing a stroke
  • 40% greater chance of developing high blood pressure

Dr. M gets it. He knows what it's like - and what works - because he's lived it for almost 20 years.  You can trust his recommendation when it comes to snoring and sleep apnea.

Grandville Teacher and Coach

Dr. Luke
ER Physician

Lower Health Risks

Improving sleep patterns lowers your risk of other health issues, including cardiac issues. You'll feel better and more rested with treatment.

Better Overall Sleep

Sleep apnea and snoring can disrupt deep sleep patterns. Our appliances can reduce or eliminate these, leading to a deeper, longer, more rejuvenating sleep.

Covered By Most Insurances

Many insurance policies cover treatment for sleep disorders. Check with your insurance carrier on whether your policy covers it, or let us do it for you.

Easy To Use

Our products are simple — simply insert them in your mouth just before you go to sleep and clean the appliance daily. The result is a better night's sleep and better overall health.

Creating Beautiful Smiles For Over 30 Years

Mayo Clinic Trained; Over 30 years of experience.

Dr. Majznerski has more than 30 years of experience providing dental solutions in the Grand Rapids and West Michigan regions. He prefers to get to know his patients and often jokes with them to make them feel relaxed while providing professional care and top-quality results.

Meet Dr. M

Dr. Majznerski earned his undergraduate and doctoral degrees from the University of Michigan! 

After dental school, Dr. Majznerski completed a post-doctoral residency at Sinai Hospital of Detroit.

Dr. M is a graduate of Mayo Clinic's School of Medicine which accepts only one resident per year. 

Dr. M is West Michigan's most experienced doctor and the first to exceed 20 years of experience.

Dr. M is a highly regarded member of the Michigan Orthodontic Association. He also lectures and provides continuing education for dentists and their staff. 

Dr. M has over 20 years of experience treating patients with oral sleep appliances.

Dr. Majznerski is a proud and active member of the American Association of Orthodontists!

Are oral sleep appliances effective?

One of the reasons oral sleep appliances work so well is because they're considered simpler, smaller, more convenient and more comfortable than traditional sleep medicine solutions.

Imagine only having to wear a small set of trays - that kind of feel like retainers - rather than the hassle of tubes and masks and machines. It's not just how effective oral sleep appliances are, it's also how easy they are to get used to!  That's why physicians often turn to oral sleep appliances to treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea - because compliance and comfort are critical!.

So that's it. Effective sleep solutions that aren't a huge hassle.

Schedule An Evaluation
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