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Invisalign: The Top Benefits of Invisalign

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Invisalign: The Top Benefits of Invisalign

Invisalign is one of the most popular and effective ways to correct your teeth and get that perfect smile you’ve always wanted.  And for good reason— Invisalign is practically invisible, which makes it perfect for anyone who wants to keep their new smile a surprise for friends and family. Invisalign is an affordable option compared to other corrective dentistry procedures with comparable results. If you’re interested in learning more about why so many people are choosing Invisalign as an option for treatment, read on for 10 great reasons why Invisalign might be a good choice for you.

Invisalign is also a very popular choice in Grand Rapids (See: Grand Rapids Invisalign).

Invisalign is almost completely invisible

While it’s not entirely invisible, Invisalign does come in a color that’s almost transparent, making it almost impossible for anyone to know you’re even wearing aligners. For folks who prefer a more discreet treatment option, Invisalign is the way to go.

Invisalign won’t stain your teeth

One of the biggest benefits of Invisalign’s discreet design is that it won’t stain your teeth. Because Invisalign uses clear aligners to correct your teeth, it won’t leave any stains behind on your teeth while you wear it because it can’t react to what you eat and drink like traditional braces. That also means…

There are no food restrictions with Invisalign aligners.

There are no food restrictions with Invisalign. You can eat whatever you want while wearing your aligners. That’s because you’re not actually wearing your aligners while you eat. You just pop them out when it’s time to eat, brush your teeth and trays when you’re done, and pop them right back in. It’s so convenient and easy. Because this method is so simple, it’s important to note that…

Your oral hygiene routine stays pretty much the same with Invisalign.

You’re not going to have to buy new flosser threads or anything like that. As we just noted, you take your clear aligner tray out when it’s time to brush your teeth, floss and brush, clean the tray, then put it back in. The amount of time during the day your tray isn’t in your mouth is probably less than an hour. It’s so convenient and easy to maintain.

Invisalign aligners are comfortable and easy to wear

Invisalign is made of soft, flexible materials that are very easy to wear, you’ll barely even notice that you’re wearing them. As we’ve mentioned, these aligners are so easy to wear and they’re so discreet, you’ll be able to eat, drink, talk, and brush your teeth like you normally do. Not only will the people around you likely not notice, but you’ll probably forget that they’re in most of the time! 

With Invisalign, you can change your treatment plan whenever you want

One of the most convenient parts of Invisalign is that you can change your treatment plan whenever you want. When you first get your Invisalign treatment started, your orthodontist will give you a treatment plan with a specific schedule for when you should wear your aligners and for how long. If you’re feeling like the treatment is too long or uncomfortable, you can always go back and talk to your doctor about what’s going on.

Invisalign has excellent results with minimal discomfort.

Invisalign is widely considered to be one of the most effective ways of correcting your teeth, with most patients experiencing an excellent outcome. As a treatment plan, it gets a lot of raving reviews full of testimonies about how great it is.

Fewer trips to the orthodontist

With Invisalign, you’ll get a new tray mailed to you every other week. The design of each new tray incrementally moves your teeth into the desired place. Because this is calculated precisely, many people go through treatment with few trips back to the office. Invisalign is designed not only to help you smile like you want, it’s designed to save you time and money. 

It’s an affordable way to get the smile you want

Invisalign is a great option for anyone who is on a budget and needs affordable teeth-straightening treatment. In fact, Invisalign is one of the most affordable ways to get a perfect smile. Ask us about it when you come in for your free consultation.

Much less time than expected to complete the treatment.

How long does Invisalign treatment take? Often we see cases that Now, this isn’t always the case, but many cases can actually be finished in 12 to 18 months.  Some cases are much less than a year The average Invisalign treatment length is between 6 months and 1 year, which means that you can quickly and easily get a smile makeover that lasts.  If you have a more complex treatment plan, your treatment will likely take longer, but typically it will be shorter because of the frequency with which the trays change.

There are many reasons why you should get Invisalign. These are just a few of the perks for choosing Invisalign as a treatment but there are many others. If you’re thinking about Invisalign or are just ready to jump in, set up an appointment with us today!

If you’re curious about Invisalign in Grand Rapids, Michigan, you can learn more about our Invisalign options.

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